Mesa Councilman Ryan Winkle Served Time In 2009 For Super Extreme DUI

Published: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 - 3:08pm
(Photo courtesy of Mesa)
Ryan Winkle

Mesa City Councilman Ryan Winkle just missed a more serious penalty for his second super extreme DUI arrest.

Winkle served 45 days in jail for a DUI in 2009 and was arrested earlier this month on suspicion of a second one.

It’s been eight years since he served time for having a blood alcohol level higher than 0.2. Under Arizona law, if an individual is charged and convicted of a second DUI within seven years, the mandated sentencing would be 180 days in jail. 

Since Winkle has made it past that time frame, he’s looking at 45 days to six months if convicted.

Jessica Hernandez is an attorney with the MayesTelles law firm. She’s been practicing for law 13 years and has handled several DUI cases.

“DUIs are fairly complicated and technical issues that involve legal issues beyond simply just what a blood alcohol test states," she said. "There’s quite a bit of work to be done in order for Councilman Winkle to have his due process here.”

Winkle has taken a leave of absence to deal with his legal issues and has publicly apologized to the citizens of Mesa.